Monday, September 26, 2011

Concert Poster.

This concert is not reall. So please do not go to this concert. This was a school project that i had to do.
However this is a reall band wich is also one of my favorites. These people have a heart for God and
are wonderful servants of the Lord.
If you like third try to follow them on line and try to catch them at their next touring  concert near you.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

      Html is important today because most of our websites are made up of code html is code. It also helps with finding what you are looking for and also for better results.. One of the most complicated code today is facebook. Facebook has to have a great html code, because the crooked people of today would very much like to hack facebook. With html it might take longer to load your things.
    I would definitely say that WYSIWYG because of the reliability.  

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

~Snowbording Fans~

          The purpose of this website is to inform people about my new snowboarding incorporation. My mission and my goal as a company is to get people to by my accessories, gear, and top of the line snowboards. So that they can be out snowboarding in stile and riding in their best performance. Anyone can enter the website and i hope that they will enjoy it with ease. At the end of the month i will see how many people get on the website.
     !Thank You!

What Looks Good In Art

      People may ask what looks good in art. Well throughout the years people lean towards art that looks majestic. Things like sculptures are especially majestic and painting of people that are majestic.
       Another thing that people like to look at are the crazy things. Including most of the stuff that doesn't make sense.
       In the Louvre museum in France it has a Little bit of everything, but what looks good and what they have most of are  majestic sculptures and majestic paintings. In the Indiana Museum of Art they have the same thing and including more wacky crazy art. There is not much simpicity in this type of art it is mainly very compex. I think we can tell from these two museums what looks good to most people.

Friday, September 2, 2011


This is the order of my locker it is pretty nice at the beginning of the year. But at the end of the year it is quite the contrary.
  • Top Shelf
    • Extra Paper
    • Occasionally my lunch
  • Middle Shelf
    • My Folders
    • Miscellaneous
  • Third Shelf
    • Algebra 1
    • Total Health Book
    • Web design Book
    • Bible Book
    • Biology 1
  • Last Shelf
    • Spanish 2
    • World History
    • Language
    • Literature 1
  This is the order of my locker it is a pretty tough schedule this year. Wish me luck.